
The Debacle called the US Presidential Debate.

First, let’s be reminded of this African saying: To laugh at calamity, deformity or infirmity is enormity.

We do not mock old age in African culture, nor do we denigrate the dead. The reasons should be clear enough for anyone with brains to think: Old age is a privilege to which we all aspire. Regarding death, Biology 101 teaches that no living thing will get out of the world alive; we are all gonna DIE.

No, we do not set out to insult Biden or Trump, but the spectacle of these two ELDERLY citizens being steamrolled into the most powerful office in the world should give grave concerns to any human being who cares about the globe that we all call home. 

It appears that the Deep State, or whatever we choose to call them, have such low contempt for us that they would want us to disbelieve what all our senses tell us, and think that Biden is one independent actor who is capable of making all the ponderous decisions that his office required!

No honest person who has watched Biden in the past year would be surprised to see his abysmal performance at the charade that goes for presidential debates in the US. Of course, Trump was his usual nasty, buffoonish, narcissistic self on his usual ego trip.

The surprise is that Western media rose like a single voice to parrot what should have been obvious to anyone who cares to look; they pretend that Biden’s senility is one Great Revelation!

Yours truly has maintained the position that just as Christians are the worst advertisements for their religion, Westerners are the worst advertisement for the political system that they try to spread across the world with evangelical zeal.

Who in his right mind would opt for a political system that threw up a snarling senile mannequin like Biden and an amoral (not simply immoral) and utterly corrupt and empty-headed braggart like Trump as presidential materials?

One needs only to compare these two unrefined and uncultured cretins that Americans put up as their presidential candidates with refined Statesmen like Presidents Xi and Putin who Western media like to denigrate as autocrats.

Who, in his right mind, would choose Trump over Putin or Biden over Xi?

Our Brother James Balwin said: I don’t believe what you say, because I can see what you do.

Why should we in Africa believe that a people that is capable of putting Biden and Trump as the best candidates for the highest office in their land will help us get the best candidate to lead us?

People with refined cultures choose their words carefully, they do their best never to descend into gutters, especially in their public postures and proclamations. 

Both Biden and Trump swear like drunken sailors. Sorry, sailors!

Read the full article here: https://femiakogun.substack.com/p/the-debacle-called-the-us-presidential?r=3wwyw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

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Your essay is pertinent but comes 60 years too late. JFK was your last "elected" president (and even his election was rigged by Dad and the Mafia). Since then the US has openly, for the non-blind, been a fascist oligarchy. The decline is now too obvious to paper over or touch up. The cracks will widen, while we look on, hoping for a lonely disintegration, like Shellye's Ozymandias.

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Good point. But better late than never.

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All true, even wise, but missing the most important point. Both candidates are execrable, but the one thing that everyone gets wrong was summed up by, I think, the NYT: "Biden stumbles; Trump lies".

News flash: Donald Trump is probably the greatest truth-teller ever to hold the office of President. That is why the oligarchy hates him. Again and again he has said openly what must remain unsaid. It's like he just doesn't take the hint. Even after all the lawfare waged against him, he continues to blurt out the truth. Not the brightest bulb in the bunch.

In contrast, Biden is a pathological liar, braggart, and plagiarist. And a total insider. This has been well documented since the 1980s at least.

Trump lies, too, of course. Who doesn't? But there is a big difference. Trump's lies almost all take the form of braggadocio. He sounds like an off-speed, broken record of Muhammad Ali: I am the greatest! His lies are obvious and overt. No one is fooled by them beyond perhaps a few of his not-very-bright fanboys.

Biden's lies also include braggadocio, of course, but most are much more deadly. While Trump comes right out and says "Let Israel finish the job", Biden lies and pretends that he's trying to rein Israel in. And people believe him!

He lies about Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Taiwan, China, Venezuela, Syria, etc., etc. His lies are endless. Every time he opens his mouth he's lying. And his promises are more lies! Two million homes? Get real. And he's going to forgive all student debt, too. For reals this time!

On all the above, Trump has come right out with the awkward truth: "There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Has any president ever been so honest?

Democratic voters are suffering from some sort of Stockholm Syndrome or maybe an "abused spouse" syndrome. The more Biden lies, they more they love him; the more Trump tells the truth, the more they hate him.

This is the key point that was staring viewers in the face all through the debate, and yet one I haven't seen even one commentator admit.

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Trump does not lie. He cannot. To lie you most know what is true. He has no clue.

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That is supposed to be witty, I guess, but I must disagree. For example, Trump didn't randomly happen on the "you think our country's so innocent?" line. He sees what's really going on.

His lying has a purpose, but unlike Biden's lying which is intended to advance the interests of the parasite class, Trump lies to advance his own interests. That it has a purpose indicates that he knows that he's lying, which means he has some idea what the truth is.

Were what you said actually correct, Trump's lies (and truths) would be random. They clearly are not.

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Trump's rise, fall, and rise again, is a long thought-out, and staged "play," put on by America's owners.

Everything in conventionally accepted current events, is an illusion at best, or a flat-out lie at worst.

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Hmm. I don't really see any evidence for this at all. Do you have any? Sounds like typical illuminati nonsense.

The oligarchic parasite class may not care much whether Biden or Trump is the figurehead in the WH, but that's because the president does nothing except distract and placate the public. The people in the administration do their best to please the oligarchs, and they have some leeway on how, but if they fail they are out.

No president can do anything good for the people that harms the interests of the oligarchy. Ditto for everyone else in the administration. But this does not mean that there is some big plan upon which all the oligarchy agree.

That Trump has his own ideas is evident by the vicious persecution being meted out to him. Do you think public humiliation, hundreds of millions of dollars in fines, and potentially a prison term are things for which Trump volunteered? Get real.

The oligarchs may not care, but the DP and RP very much do, and it's war. None of them give a damn about the American people (and less than a damn about anyone else in the world).

Your assertion is typical of conspiracy theorists who always seem to think that the "ruling" class is some sort of well-oiled machine and they all work together in harmony and with extreme competence.

In truth, they would happily eat each other given the chance. Their interests align, so they often support the same outcomes, although differing on the methods. But they are not particularly competent and their useful idiots in office even less so.

It is only our desperate need to avoid having to grow up and make decisions for ourselves and our utter unwillingness to risk anything at all or give anything up that keeps them in power. We keep waiting for that superhero to show up and do our work for us.

Good luck with that.

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Never forget; someone makes the ultimate decision, and it's not anyone in the White House.

A really big plan, requires a really big show, even if it's put on in a cave.

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Migration to Europe and The USofA is in a way rough justice.

For centuries Euro-Americans extracted wealth from Africa, The Americas, and Asia, and kept trying for Russia (too big a bite to chew).

Descendants of those stripped ones now move to where their wealth went, to Europe and The USofA. Not unreasonable, viewed impartially.

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The overlords of Canada, Ireland, and Sweden must be sweating over their treasure hoards.

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One of my avid MSNBC watching friends is experiencing apoplexy since the debate. Joe's cognitive decline was kept secret from her or she considered it Russian disinformation. Now the whole world is at risk, in her mind, and everyone must still Vote Blue No Matter Who. It turns my stomach that the indoctrination is so strong. This is a college educated woman - mind you a NIMBY, brunching liberal of the kind Dr King warned us about. And their numbers run in the millions.

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Exellent article, Garland. This country is circling the drain.

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Good piece, Garland. The only wrinkle in the plot that you failed to cover is how they intend to finesse the sidelining of Kamala Harris, who as VP, historically gets the presumptive nod. And given that she is the first black female VP, the party may not find it easy to jettison her.

BTW, I've enjoyed your occasional appearances on The Duran.

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"Bash, is a Jewish woman who was born in Washington DC and just happens to be married to a guy who served as Chief of Staff for both the CIA and the Department of Defense. Tapper, who is also Jewish..." Mr. Nixon, what is the relevance of the ethnicity of these people? Do you bring attention to other people's ethnicity mentioned in your various articles? This is just more anti-Semitism, couched in SubStack respectability. If I wanted to read articles dripping in anti-Semitism, I would head to the website of Jeff Rense, who is (as you are no doubt aware) a rabid anti-Semite. For all I know, rense.com is your “news aggregator” of choice. Mr. Rense is a big supporter of David Duke, by the way. I am sure Rense and those of his ilk would welcome you with open arms. Maybe I’ll write an article: “Garland Nixon, a man of color, finally finds his journalistic home amongst the disgraced, evil coterie of holocaust-deniers and Jew-haters.”

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I could care less if you write an article that is completely and totally about the fact that I am Black. Mentioning the race and or ethnicity of a famous person in the context of a salient issue is part of an intellectual discussion. Lose that woke crap on me. Find a blog about things that you find interesting... this ain't it...

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If it's not at all relevant, then why are you energised by it?

If Garland had said they all like cornflakes for breakfast, you would shrug it off, you certainly wouldn't claim it was for the purposes of spreading anti-cornflake hatred.

Is it "Anti-white hatred" to say most corporations are owned and run by white people - or is it just stating a fact, that might be uncomfortable for some?

And also note: if they were both Jewish, yet one was an anti-Zionist, Garland would have also highlighted that. Their Jewishness is not the most important 'thing' with regards to this essay. It was to highlight that in fact, ideologically with regards to Jewish Nazism, they are all but identical. And that IS worth mentioning.

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Whine whine whine.

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Yes, we goy Jew lovers love to whine!

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Concise words well written .



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John Helmer (Dancing With Bears Blog) has some interesting reporting on how many power players in Moscow took the debate, which is Biden was long dead, so this is an attempted assassination of the Biden Administration/circus, and like JFK the real question is who stands to profit.

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"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford (1920).

Judas-ism: it's NOT a religion, it's a satanic, criminal conspiracy/cult.

If you really want to make a difference, EXPOSE judas-ism's bible, the talmud.

Show regular Americans what satan's rats are all about.

That's all you need to do.

EXPOSE the talmud!

MUST read:


China officially recognizes several world religions.

Judas-ism isn't one of them.

Brother Nathanael - "When jews Run a Country"


America's Enemy is talmudism


9/11: israel did it




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graphic from Rense.com

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FYI "Satan" is one of the divine entities of the Judeo-Islam-Christo religion - the entire BS does not exist in any other religion.

Therefore BY DEFINITION so-called "Satan" is a part of Judaic, Christo and Islamic thought.

In essence, that makes them all "Satanic" - and ONLY those 3 religions, in their various guises.

By your incoherent petty hatreds, it's pretty obvious you self-define as a "Christian". Which means what you are doing is projecting outwards.

There is NOTHING that "jews" can do that "christians" aren't doing, and plan to do, as well.

Like all racist shits, you're really just angry that it isn't "your crowd" doing all this shit - you don't mind the shit, you just want to be the ones doing it.

In short, you're a loser. But then you are a racist, so that's a given.

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Shun the Goddamn jew in daily affairs and routine business.

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I can see the Newsome pick only because he's Pelosi's nephew, but I doubt a white male will be the nominee

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This article nails it on everything except Gavin Newsome. What's left of the Democratic party has to show how progressive they are therefore a White Male is a no go. I won't be surprised if they pick Gretchen Whitmer. Not only escaping being kidnapped by the FBI, I mean white supremacists, she unlike her Republican predecessor, has been fixing the roads.

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Luckily Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom don't have to be elected, he can just be injexted,like poison.

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Pretty much as expected. Over a year ago I predicted that Newsome would be the DNC's candidate since it can put anyone on the ballot it chooses as confirmed by a court in 2022 when what little democracy that existed within the Outlaw US Empire regarding the national POTUS election died.

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All politicians are "actors," and those at the top know the score before the music starts.

Biden is old and slow, but not stupid. His State of the Union showed he knows when he needs the "giddy-up" shot, and like a faithful political-puppet he went out there without the "booster" and easily played "his part" to perfection.

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Wrong. As dementia worsens it gets harder to time & dose the injections. Biden started comatose, but once the drugs kicked in his mouth started running faster than what's left of his brain. So there was a rapid slur of word-like sounds before the drugs wore off & he wore down.

And all those drugs fry what working cells are left, so the more they prop him up the more his decline will continue to accelerate.

Fair chance if he hangs on, he'll crash & burn too late to replace.

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Your guess is as good as mine. Any way it spins, it doesn't feel good.

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