I'm 71 squeaking by on social security. This is the 2nd time on my life I was a "1-issue" voter. The 1st time was Vietnam.

This time it's the slaughter in Palestine.

While I abhor the genocide of Slavs, Russia at least has the resources & sane government to take on the mentally ill, psychopathic, criminal gang of thugs that has infiltrated & taken over our so-called government.

The Palestinian people never had a chance. I used to be a pacifist, but I would support nuking Tel Aviv if it weren't sitting on stolen Palestinian land.

I chose not to vote. I won't support this corrupted system any more. Jesus is my King. I answer only to him & God the Creator.

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I did not vote for either of the two war parties either

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I am 75 and agree with you 💯. I also refused to vote for the first time in my life. WDC is garbage.

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How is it, may I posit, that a president who hid in the basement in 2020 to allow the media to run his campaign, who was determined to be unfit mentally to stand trial for egregious behavior and was determined by his party to be incapable of mounting a successful reelection bid after blubbering through a debate, among other behaviors denoting reduced mental faculties, how is it that he now has the acuity and focus to deduce that the "potential benefits outweigh the escalation risks" when those risks are possibly the annihilation of a good portion of the world and mankind? Inquiring minds want to know?

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I mean then collective Biden.. not the brain dead zombie. But I do not under estimate how much of a lunatic he is either...

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Forgot you even had a substack, now I must read your wisdom, Right On

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Excellent summary of your vid from yesterday. Turns out you can write well as well, unsurprisingly. ;)


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Using the genocide of Palestinians to hide another, much larger, jabocide of the world. All well orchestrated, including the Trump win. Last I checked Trump is very proud of his Zionist connections.

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Despite the cold calculus in this analysis, we can at least reassure ourselves that withholding a vote from the current administration was absolutely the correct decision. (I phrase it in this was because I seriously doubt if Biden "made" the decision himself.) Any group that is willing to put human civilization at risk simply to keep the grift going is not worthy of support. Their actions are even more outrageous when they were taken in full knowledge that a majority of the people clearly signaled that they want something else. (And these same people have the nerve to preach to us about how our actions are destroying the planet!)

I understand and sympathize with anyone who votes third party or chooses not to vote at all. I'm past retirement age, and have voted third party for so long that I couldn't even tell you when the last time was that I didn't. But I had to make an exception for this particular crowd. When the cockpit autopilot is screaming "pull up, pull up" I just couldn't ignore it any longer, and as bad as the choices were, I ate the bug.

This was a very good post; you should write more often. There is a lot of good video out there, but it's hard to find time to watch all of it.

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Here we go, dudes!

The THIRD Jewish World War!

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Neocons aka Jews running US foreign policy

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Brilliant analysis!!!

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Your style crackles with vitality and acerbic humour🤗

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GTSY writing here, Garland!

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Uncle Sam's Bidet/Obumer faction is up to his genocide / ethnic cleansing tricks in the Sahel too, and here again the government is proving a free subsidy to the mining corporations and silicon valley by using violence paid for by all to extort resources to the benefit of the few. Big Red/Trump will keep it up too, as he showed with "We took the oil in Syria". Frankly the USA is a salary slave state with a few actual bonded slaves thrown in, run by a Roman Senate.

Paris and Washington Go Scorched Earth in the Sahel


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Thank you for reading the article and commenting.

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A very charitable response, sir.

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The Ukrainians are the documented Nazis. Do some research into the Azov Batallion and ask yourself why we continue to send money and weapons to a foreign country that has a Neo-Nazi batallion running around - because of some nonsense perceived threat from a country we spent more than a decade provoking? And you called Garland, a black man, a Nazi? OK then Vicki... He may be polite but I don't have to be.

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When you finally splurge and get a new keyboard, you might want to keep the clear plastic shipping wrapper on it. That way your saliva won't cause the keys to stick.

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Of course you are

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