And the slaughter of the Palestinians, who have the audacity to have made their homes for thousands of years in a perfect climate by a beautiful sea on top of gas, goes on.

So at least 1 thing remains the same.

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Dear Mr. Nixon,

excellent show with Ritter and Martyanov on Febr. 26th (canceled by YT for reasons that are beyond my comprehension).

Two days before - Febr. 24th - in the German city of Hamburg - believe or not - the entire city and its inhabitants held a commemorative minute of silence out of solidarity with Ukraine - including public transport (!) which was stopping at exactly 12 o´clock + local radio stations accompanied this act with broadcasting the anthem of Ukraine. As a German national I have become used to acts of insanity. But this was shocking even for me.

p.s. Hamburg has been among the worst Russia-hating spots since the war has started, with its papers - SPIEGEL, DIE ZEIT, SPRINGER press outlets - and its high profile academic institutions at Hamburg University like the so-called Institute for Peace which has been calling for war on Russia since day #1. (Yeah, it´s literally all very much "1984" or gradually 1930s. Choose whichever you prefer).

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Zuckerburg is a fraud.

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Garland! I like your shows with Mark Sleboda, but I’m in Russia and YouTube is blocked here. Please consider also uploading to RuTube.ru. Thanks! 🙏

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I'll hand Joe, father of Hunter, Biden, a copy of this article as soon as he gets back from visiting Senator (James) Strom Thurmond's grave and changes out of his white robes, but before he does his DEI zoom call.

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Bumped into AOC on the way to find Joe. She's so happy that last week was the last time she had to fluff Joe to get his blood circulating before a speech.

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I don't see what the big deal is. Everybody that lives under a government that taxes them is living under a fascist regime and that's practically everybody in the world. We get confused by the definitions of the terminology being it's all so fuzzy. Some fascists kill and hate other fascists passionately, all steal, some are mostly benevolent to the livestock, and others malevolent, but at its root it's all fascism, its always been. Some individuals see through it all and manage to dance between the fascist raindrops and remain relatively free, safe and comfortable. I think that's the best you can do. Elon is an unusual case. He knows how to milk fascists and use the money to do big inventions that change society. Its all a big joke to him, I don't see no heartfelt personal fascist ambitions in Elon. Donald wants to be a well loved great man, poor Donald, at least he loves himself. The bottom line is most serfs enjoy a good steak as long as they don't have to see the cow getting killed, and fascists will kill the cows, many of whom are serfs.

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